Quipster Stories
Quipsterland is a magical place full of unique characters. Each Quipster is special in their own way. Some are pretty crazy, some are a bit weird or have questionable talents. Immerse yourself in this wonderful world and discover them all!
Our master of contortions, Twister, has tied herself up in a knot... Her last attempt to wrap her body three times with her rubbery limbs has left her stuck in this unfortunate position. Will someone "untie" her?

Half in the world of the living, half in the world of the dead, Skully looks pretty scary. But he's a nice guy. He often bakes cakes for the office and does volunteer work at a local charity shop. Just don't look below his neck, it'll embarrass him.
With an IQ of 220, she is the super genius of Quipsterland. Compared to her, our nerd looks a bit old. But he doesn't like that, which is why he avoids duels with Smarta. It goes so far that Smarta takes on many impossible tasks for him (unofficially, of course). For this reason, there are rumors about the validity of some of Nerd's theories, such as the bread and butter theory. Behind the scenes, however, the two are a real dream team; they live together in a shared apartment and are dedicated to science. Smarta is also a real power woman who regularly organizes spelling competitions, teaches at Quipsterland's university and is constantly driving forward new research.
This dinosaur lover dreams of becoming a great paleontologist one day. His favorite film series: Jurassic Park, was that obvious? He even wants to go a step further and raise funds to open a theme park with real dinosaurs! We don't have a good feeling about this 🙄 but our dino fan should first find a way out of his dino costume. He has been stuck in this costume for years after he got into it with superglue while drunk at a party. Does he regret this act? Not really!
This adventurous quipster is a hobby diver and self-proclaimed treasure hunter. To finance his hobby, he runs a small beach bar and tells tourists about his crazy adventures and craziest underwater finds. In reality, he has only found a few bottle caps and rings lost by bathers so far. He himself claims that he found our Gini's magic lamp years ago during a dive - we should ask Gini if this story is true 🙄

This little Quipster has a weakness for sweet pastries. He's actually an actor and had his big break in the late 60s. Does that ring a bell? That's right, he worked for years as Cookie Monster on Sesame Street! But as so often happens, early fame and lots of money led to a downfall. He became careless, ate too many cookies and was regularly late for the set. He also became addicted to powdered sugar and ended up arguing with the show's producers. A short time later, he was kicked off Sesame Street. But that didn't stop him from carrying on acting and producing children's series. So far, however, he hasn't had any major success. In Quipsterland, however, he is a legend and is already planning a show with Nerd , Princess and Co.
Grumpy is currently undergoing special anti-anger therapy at a secret location in the Alps and unfortunately does not want to give any information about himself at the moment. His press office has turned down all interview requests. But we will stay in touch and try to find out more about him.
You can probably guess: our Mouse loves cheese more than anything. And since there is no cat named Tom in Quipsterland, Mouse is up to mischief and eats all the cheese that isn't nailed down. There are already several petitions calling for him to be banned from Quipsterland. However, some animal welfare organizations are opposed to this, so it is thanks to bureaucracy that he can still indulge his craving for cheese.
From Berlin to Bondi Beach, this Quipster is the coolest hipster around, our Beard! Always in competition with his cousin Burty, our Beard tries to win the hearts of all the girls on the beaches of Quipsterland. Our Beard is one of the most confident Quipsters, he regularly holds surfing and drinking competitions where he desperately tries to show some other Quipsters like Nerd and Lifeguard how to be a cool guy - unfortunately in vain.
Don't you think our Fluffy looks a bit like an ostrich?! We'll explain why... When he was little, he went camping with his father. Unfortunately, he got completely lost on a walk and ended up on an ostrich farm. He sat between dozens of ostrich eggs until they hatched. Later, the ostriches took our Fluffy into their pack and after a while he behaved more and more like an ostrich - not even the farmer could tell them apart! But under all that fluffy hair, there's still a Quipster heart beating. But guess what he does when he feels threatened... yes, he actually buries his head in the sand!
First of all, the reason why Nerd is one of our most popular Quipsters is because it all started with him: he was one of the first Quipsters ever. A true classic that is represented in all collections. That alone makes him legendary! The Sheldon Cooper of Quipsterland was born with an IQ well over 150. Like many other nerds, he is neither a fashionista nor a womanizer, so he has never had a girlfriend. But since Smarta moved to Quipsterland, the two have shared a flat - officially they are just colleagues. On his days off, our nerd enjoys solving the greatest mysteries of mankind: he has invented a formula that explains why bread always falls buttered!
Our Quipster Princess really has a serious shopping problem: she is drawn to anything that sparkles and shines. She even attends the weekly Shopaholics Anonymous meetings! And she loves making a big entrance, which may be why she's always late and keeps everyone waiting for her - Quipsterland's super diva! But hey, she's obsessed with fashion and overdresses at every opportunity. Even when she's just going to the supermarket, she looks like she's on the red carpet at the Oscars.
Pssst... we'll let you in on a secret: our Hula is Princess' twin sister. If you look closely, you can immediately see the resemblance. But unfortunately they don't only share the good qualities, which means that she is also a shopaholic and always late. Due to some credit card debt and minor tax problems, she decided to move to Hawaii, change her name and start a hula dance school on O'ahu.
He was the Justin Bieber of his time. Sold-out concerts, strange wigs and powder parties, groupies sleeping outside his famous house in Salzburg's Getreidegasse - it was all part of his lifestyle. But like many other famous rock stars, he unfortunately left too soon! That's why our Quipster Mozart has come back to reclaim his fame!

Anniversary Quipsters
Quipster turns 10! To celebrate the anniversary, we have 10 new characters to follow our journey. And what a journey it has been!
Trucker Joe
Do you remember our redneck? Joe has settled down and started a family. For the love of his wife and children, however, he has put down his gun - but four hungry mouths have to be fed, which is why Joe has embarked on a career as a truck driver. Now he transports fruit and vegetables and lives a bourgeois life on his farm on the outskirts of Quipsterland. But there is one secret: he still produces his own whiskey... his label "XXX" is a sought-after tipple among connoisseurs!
A great American football talent! You would think that as a football superstar he is a real daredevil, but off the field his private life is not as spectacular as you might think: He loves gardening, carves dolls in his garage and has an extraordinary stamp collection. His childhood friends Beard and Burty always encourage him to accompany them on their nightly escapades, but our quarterback prefers to stay at home and rest up for the next game.

His biggest dream is to become a ship captain and have his own crew. Unfortunately, this is a difficult undertaking because he has a left-right weakness, which makes navigating a ship a little difficult. But something that many people don't know: he was a navigator on Christopher Columbus' ship. Although Columbus was not very confident in his abilities, our Sailor was able to convince him that they had landed in India. Even if not entirely voluntarily, our Sailor did achieve something: the discovery of America. A quick side note: Since he does not appear in any historical accounts of Columbus, he and his lawyer have been fighting ever since to make it into the history books as the discoverer of America. Unfortunately, so far without success...

Stuck in a tree and rescued by a cat - Q-Man is not exactly the most heroic superhero! He has always been a mystery. No one has ever seen him without his famous Q mask. And we wonder: who is this guy?? No one can question his big heart and strong sense of justice. But please... keep this guy away from every crime scene! Since he started "fighting" evil, the bad guys have had an easy time. The government spends thousands of Q-dollars to make him a better superhero. Unfortunately to no avail...
Nobody knows that our lifeguard has a weakness for sweets. Every morning before he starts his shift as a lifeguard at Quipster Beach, he pops a few donuts in his mouth. Unfortunately, it has become a habit and he has gained a few extra pounds around his waist. But hey, at least he's creative! He wears his duck to hide his swimming rings. Clever, right?

As you probably already know, our redneck was one of our first Quipsters and is now known as Trucker Joe. He has completely turned his life around and now lives a quiet life on his farm on the outskirts of town. You can find out more about his lifestyle in the "Trucker Joe" story!

Unconfirmed sources say that he holds a Nobel Prize in quantum physics! Now our professor has devoted himself to environmental protection and has been looking for an alternative to oil for years. Unfortunately, his success so far has been limited: three exploded laboratories increased his insurance premiums so much that he got into financial difficulties. To finance his research, he now teaches as a mad professor at the University of Quipsterland. For safety reasons, however, he should be kept away from fire and explosive materials!

Doesn't he look cute? But don't let his appearance fool you. Our Bunny was in the Navy in the 70s, after which he started trying out different jobs. He was a bouncer in a famous 80s club, a stuntman and double for Bugs Bunny, he worked as a model for chocolate Easter bunnies and was even a can opener in a restaurant - just look at his teeth! But it took him a while to find his true calling: Now he is THE official Easter Bunny of Quipsterland and happier than ever!

Maliboo has a penchant for skimpy swimsuits and big sunglasses. Unfortunately, she was rejected at the casting for Baywatch. Disappointed by the rejection, she sat on the beach in Quipsterland where she saved a Quipster in distress from drowning without hesitation! At that moment, she discovered her true calling: she became the best lifeguard in Quipsterland!

Probably the coolest dude in Quipsterland once worked as a waiter on a cruise ship. One day he fell overboard in rough seas. His surfing talent saved him from drowning, however, and he ended up surfing on his tray on the beach in Quipsterland.
A real Santa Claus fan! Even as a child he collected everything that had to do with his great idol, Santa Claus, but unfortunately he was never able to get close to him. But time was on his side! Santa's loyal reindeer Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blixen and Rudolf were getting old and had to retire. So Santa organized a casting to find new, fresh reindeer for his sleigh. This was THE opportunity for our Rudolf (oh yes, his real name is Herbert by the way), so he put on his best reindeer costume and sneaked into Santa's reindeer crew. With his bright red nose he is the eye-catcher of the season!
Xmas Tree
Psst! A little secret: Our Christmas Tree is actually not a tree at all, but a normal Quipster like all the others. Well, not quite normal... He has a weakness for presents and surprises and loves unwrapping presents so much that he has come up with a questionable hobby: Every year just before Christmas he sneaks into a Christmas tree shop disguised as a tree. After being taken away by an unsuspecting person and placed in their living room, our Quipster Xmas Tree waits until all the presents are placed under him. On Christmas night, while all the family members are sleeping peacefully, he grabs all the presents and sneaks away secretly, quietly and quietly. The police in Quipsterland are at a loss. As a last resort, Q-Man has even been commissioned to unmask the brazen present thief. However, we can only doubt whether Q-Man will have any more success...

Abracadabra! Meet Quipster's favorite wizard: Wizard. Even though he was kicked out of Hogwarts for disciplinary reasons, he's still Harry Potter's best friend! But that's only one side of the story... remember Quidditch? Well, our Wizard claims he invented the game. After telling the Hogwarts authorities about his idea, he was suddenly kicked out of the school and the game was released without him. Our Wizard is absolutely sure that this is a plot against him. No one will ever know the truth, but we wish him luck and hope he gets the recognition he deserves!
This unassuming Quipster is up to no good. Don't let his cute haircut fool you. He is a tough businessman and real estate mogul. A business legend in Quipsterland and a role model for many young aspiring Quipsters. He came to Quipsterland as a shy boy and has struggled his whole life. He is now the largest landowner in Quipsterland and has played a major role in building up the Quipster Financial District in downtown. He lives openly with his weakness for sweets and expensive cars and sometimes exaggerates. But he always has an open ear for those seeking help and a big heart. Once a year he organizes a punch doughnut eating contest and donates the proceeds to charity.

Married at 20, now a father of 3 children, and on top of that, our punk is stuck in a booooooring job in a cardboard factory. Desperately, he tries to let off some steam with very unusual hobbies: he loves to mingle with the crowd at anti-government protests to rebel and rock out on the weekends... until he has to return to his tidy desk every Monday. Who hasn't felt that way?!

What can we say about love? It has existed as long as Quipsters have existed and it unites them all. The special thing about Quipsters is that they are all very different and yet belong together. Every Quipster is welcome in Quipsterland and is accepted into the community. And our Quipster lovers are meant to symbolize exactly that. Maybe we should take a leaf out of their book, what do you think?
Santa Claus
It hasn't been easy for Quipsterland's Santa Claus. He's overslept on Christmas more than once, sometimes his presents have arrived, sometimes they haven't. Maybe it's because he has a bad sense of direction. We also suspect it might be because he's not the best driver. Drunk driving, traffic tickets and a suspended license are all normal for Santa Claus.
Lady Liberty
Deeply bored of having to stand in the same place for more than 100 years, our Lady Liberty felt anything but free. So one day she decided to pack her bags and discover the world. She soon developed a passion for fashion and began an internship at Vogue. Her biggest dream in life is to become the next Anna Wintour! From time to time she also works as a fashion consultant for Quipster and helps us get the most out of our products!

Our Pierre is a native Frenchman and his real name is Pierre Leclerc. He came to Quipsterland a few years ago as an ambassador for French wine culture and now owns his own vineyard in the mountains. The mild climate makes Quipsterland the ideal wine-growing region and Pierre lets his passion run free. He owns a huge complex with several grape fields, a golf course, a wine academy and a wellness hotel for couples. He also sells his own grape cosmetics line. He is a real bon vivant and simply knows how to enjoy life... savoir-vivre!

Arrrr!! Quipster's friendliest, but poorest, one-eyed pirate who has never found any treasure! He started out as a bird breeder and after a while developed a real passion for parrots. Soon he and his parrots became good friends and spent a lot of time together - much to the surprise of his family and friends who found his hobby a bit strange. So he had to come up with something to justify his strange preference for parrots: he grew a beard, simply stopped showering and decided to become a one-eyed pirate.

By far the coolest guy in Quipsterland. Although he is related to our Beard, there is a lot of competition between the two for the girls' attention. Burty worked as a successful stockbroker in the 80s, he was the star of Wall Street - until the endless parties, women and various dubious substances ruined him. Then he changed his life: he swapped his suit and tie for a sexy thong, hectic New York for the beaches of the world and left everything behind... except the parties and the women. To win their hearts, he diligently lifts kilos on the beach and impresses the ladies with his tanned body and macho gold chain.

Have you ever wondered what came first... the Quipster or the egg!? We'll leave that to your imagination! To date, scientists have not been able to film the birth of a Quipster in the wild. But the appearance of our Quipster Eggshell leads to the conclusion that every Quipster's life begins in an egg. So keep your eyes peeled. The next time you're hiking and spot a strange-looking egg, it could be a Quipster egg. Please give it to science to help solve one of humanity's greatest mysteries!

Figaro invented the perm in the 80s and made it socially acceptable. He also owns several hair salons in Quipsterland and is a regular on the red carpets of the world. His big dream, however, is to open a dog grooming salon one day.

A real legend in Quipsterland. During the 1920s, the sale of soft drinks was banned in Quipsterland. Our gangster then got into the business and sold soft drinks under the counter on a large scale. He was so successful that he was named Soft Drink Baron. The police were powerless because no one could prove that he had sold them. Rumor has it that he made millions, but as the gangster life became too stressful for him, he bought an orange plantation in his hometown in Sicily and retired. He was one of the first Quipsters to be launched in a small edition in 2013 and was immediately sold out. Even then, he was an old warhorse and actually already retired. We managed to convince him to make a brief appearance, but after a short time, the fuss surrounding him was too much for him... maybe we can still persuade him to return to the big stage one last time.

Quipsters Ghost is a little jealous of Casper's career... but he just wants to inspire people! He is not the most successful ghost: people are simply not afraid of him, even when he really tries. Another reason for his lack of success is that he himself is afraid of almost everything! He even has to attend motivational seminars and goes to therapy.

A real bottle as a genie... to the chagrin of his "masters". Everyone who has found him so far has given him back. He may be a keen Gini, but unfortunately he is not the best at granting wishes. Because no matter what you wish for from him, the exact opposite happens. By the time you notice it, it is unfortunately already too late. A tip from us: you should only wish for something from him on the "opposite day".

Married to Helga for 30 years, the lovely Hans embodies everything that connects us with our beloved homeland Austria. He is easy-going, cheerful, loves to eat and of course he can never get enough of beer and pretzels. He runs his own brewery on his farm in Quipsterland. Incidentally, our Hans is not only a real beer connoisseur, but also a passionate eater who has already won numerous white sausage eating competitions!

She is the boss in the house and wears the lederhosen in the relationship. She is tough, full of life and prepares the best Wiener Schnitzel in the world. But be careful, if another lady approaches her Hans, she can become quite unpleasant.

Ciao Bella! May we introduce: Quipster's only Michelin-starred chef, our Mario! Or is he just tricking us? Did he work his way up with his Italian charm or his talent?

Our Lolly is only 3 years old and loves sugar more than anything. Unfortunately, his parents went a bit overboard with his upbringing, because he was a very restless baby and didn't sleep a wink at night. Whenever he started to cry, his parents had no choice but to give him a lollipop. A convenient but not particularly healthy solution. Since then, he needs a lollipop in every situation to keep calm, because when he starts to scream, the whole of Quipsterland shakes. He has been on a sugar detoxification program for babies for a few months. Let's see if he can get off it...

In his college days he was a gifted basketball player. Although he is only 1.72 m tall, he was the high scorer on his team. But a nasty knee injury forced him to give up his career. That didn't keep him away from the basketball court, however, and he started a career as a coach. To this day he is considered a tactical genius and mastermind behind players like Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan. Because he is so shy of publicity, he stays in the background and is never mentioned in the press. To this day, however, he maintains a close friendship with some NBA stars. For example, Michael Jordan regularly sends him the latest sneakers, which is why our Afro now has an impressive sneaker collection.

Our Quipster Baby isn't really a baby. He's 37 years old and already divorced. Tax returns, rent, insurance and credit card bills have taken their toll on him. He's decided that adult life is just not for him. Since then he dresses as a "baby" and refuses to leave his apartment. He obviously enjoyed life more back then. A really strange decision, we think...

He is notorious for being afraid of women and has never had a girlfriend. But our Prom King is not giving up. He is preparing meticulously for the prom and finally wants to accompany a lady to the ball. Not even 283485575729 rejections can stop him from pursuing his dream. Since then he has been taking dance lessons and is already going to couples therapy. Yes... he is going to couples therapy as a precaution in case he one day has a girlfriend. Because then he will know exactly what to do to save his future relationship. He has his tie cleaned every day and is already registered on all the dating sites. Our Prom King is perhaps the best example for all the singles out there who have not yet found their partner. Never give up because the right one is sure to come along.